Caged Beauty
We both see the blue canopy Hung above so grand; But the expanse is bleak From where I stamp my feet.
Change came swift Striking! Yes, they were striking! With flashes like lightning... What a horror for a king.
This here is no home; No stars nor storms. No laughing and calling From those insatiable hoards.
Rust is my royalty
Seeping streaks of disloyalty. Triple tension the temp is boiling- With no way to flee.
Only greet peace when deceased? Much deceit with no receipt. Distorted bills go unfulfilled- Yet Gold is my cheek?
Bigotry my enemy. If I'm a beast then let me be. Escape the fields regain and build- Now scarred and swollen is my cheek?
See I know why the bird flaps and flees; I hear why the chimpanzee screams; I feel the pain of the wildebeest’s grief... Yet you still know not why I stamp my feet.